Market Intelligence
Developed and managed the ongoing research for the Downtown Trends report. Downtown Trends served as an important toolkit for development in the downtown, highlighting relevant market research and data required by the private and public sector to confirm their investment decisions. The research in this report was led and compiled by the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ with support from other downtown stakeholders like the University of Winnipeg’s Institute of Urban Studies, CentreVenture Development Corporation, The Forks North Portage Partnership, and Economic Development Winnipeg Inc., as well as from surveys and research the BIZ had previously undertaken. It was designed based on feedback from downtown retailers, realtors and stakeholders on how to best promote, sustain, invest, and stimulate business development in downtown. Tours with brokers, young entrepreneurs, elected politicians, and the media were coordinated to highlight significant downtown market data, in addition to connecting developers with government supports. Media outlets consistently reference Downtown Trends to augment their stories.